Privacy & Cookies Policy

1. Objective

This policy describes how and why the RCMH Foundation uses your personal information, how we protect your privacy when doing so, and your rights and choices regarding this information. We promise to respect any of your personal information which is under our control and to keep it safe.  We aim to be clear when we collect your information about what we will do with it.  

This policy was last updated on 9th September 2024.

2. Who We Are

In this Privacy Policy, “Rural Communities Mental Health Foundation”, “RCMH”, “we”, or “our” means The RCMH Foundation (registered charity in England and Wales (1207654).

3. How We Collect Information About You

We collect information in the following ways:

Information you provide to us directly

You may give us your information in order to sign up and receive our emails via our website, attend one of our events, attend or provide Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) training, make a donation, or otherwise communicate with us. 

Information you provide to us indirectly

Your information may be shared with us by third parties, for example, if you undertake to raise money for the charity and use a fundraising site to do this, the site may share certain bits of information with us. 

You should always check any privacy policy provided to you where you give your data to a third party. 

Social Media

Communication and engagement through external social media platforms that we participate on are subject to the terms and conditions as well as the privacy policies held with each social media platform respectively.

Depending on your settings or the privacy policies for social media, you might give us permission to access information from those services, for example when you tag us in a photo.

Website Cookies

This website uses cookies and similar technologies, which are small files or pieces of text that download to a device when a visitor accesses a website or app. 

For information about viewing the cookies dropped on your device, please visit :   

4. What Information We Collect

  • Your name

  • Your contact details (this may include postal address, telephone number, e-mail address, social media identity)

  • If you volunteer for us or apply for a job with us, information necessary for us to process these applications and assess your suitability 

  • Information about your activities on our website(s) or social media platforms when you interact with us, and about the device you use to access these, for instance your IP address and geographical location

  • Information as to whether you are a taxpayer to enable us to claim Gift Aid

  • Any other personal information you provide to us. 

5. How We Use this Information

  • Provide you with regular emails if you signed up to these via our website 

  • Respond to any correspondence with you using email, social media channels or phone

  • Keep a record of your relationship with us if you have got in contact

  • Respond to or investigate any requests, complaints or queries you make to us

  • Further our charitable objectives

  • Identify potential supporters or other partners

  • Monitor website use to identify visitor location and generally monitor website traffic 

  • Process your application for a job or volunteering position

  • Establish, defend or enforce legal claims.

6. Lawfulness of Data Processing

Your personal data shall not be processed unless one of the following legal bases applies: 

Specific consent is given:  Consent is where we ask you if we can use your information in a certain way, and you agree to this. You have the right to withdraw consent for any future use of your information for this purpose at any time. 

Legal obligation: We have a basis to use your personal information where we need to do so to comply with one of our legal / regulatory obligations.  

Performance of a contract / take steps (at your request) to prepare for entry into a contract: Where we are entering into a contract with you or performing our obligations under that contract.  

Vital interests: We have a basis to use your personal information where it is necessary for us to protect life or health.   

Legitimate interests: We have a basis to use your personal information if it is reasonably necessary for us (or others) to do so and in our/their “legitimate interests” (provided that what the information is used for is fair and does not unduly impact your rights).

7. Data Security

The RCMH Foundation will implement and maintain appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the type of data we will hold. In particular, the RCMH Foundation will implement and maintain appropriate measures to protect personal data from accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed, including (i) pseudonymization and encryption of personal data, (ii) the ability to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of processing systems and services, (iii) the ability to restore the availability and access to personal data in a timely manner in the event of a physical or technical incident and (iv) a process for regularly testing, assessing and evaluating the effectiveness of technical and organizational measures for ensuring the security of the processing.

8. Data Security Breach Response

The RCMH Foundation will address data security breaches or incidents in a timely manner and will implement and maintain appropriate data security breach response plans.

9. International Data Transfers

The RCMH Foundation may transfer personal data from countries in which the data was originally collected to other third countries. It is the RCMH Foundation´s policy when engaging in such data transfers to comply with applicable legal requirements, including any data transfer restrictions of local laws or regulations.

10. Changes To This Policy

We may change this Privacy Policy from time to time.  If we make any significant changes in the way we treat your personal information we will make this clear on The RCMH Foundation website, or we will contact you.