How you can support us

We’re stronger together

If you would like to personally support us, there are several ways to do this.


We rely on the kind donations of our supporters. If you’d like to make a one-off donation, or set up a monthly donation, you can do so using the button below.

How your donation makes a difference


funds one person to attend a 2 day Mental Health First Aid course


funds one person to attend a 1 day Mental Health First Aid course


funds one person to attend a half day Mental Health First Aid refresher course


funds one person to attend a half day Mental Health First Aid awareness course

Whatever the level of investment you choose to make, or the duration of your support, your donation will help us fund the delivery of all aspects of our work.

All donations will be gratefully received and if you would like to support something in particular, your donation can be ringfenced for that.

Alongside funding free Mental Health First Aid training places for businesses, which is our initial priority, we will also use donations to create content to help raise awareness and engage our audience, plus invest in in-house training and areas such as research at our discretion.

Organise a fundraiser

We’re registered on JustGiving, so if you’re planning a fundraiser, why not host yours on there? It’s easy to set up, is a trusted and recognised platform for your supporters and will give you hints and tips on how to make the most of your fundraiser. You can start your fundraiser here.

Alternatively, if you’re planning something a little more traditional and offline, like a bucket shake, you can transfer the money into our bank account instead. In this instance, please email for our details.

Donate your time or skills

An alternative to financial support but equally as valuable to help us achieve our aims, from charitable objects to content creation. As a small charity reliant on volunteers, we would welcome the opportunity to talk to anyone who feels they could help us in some way.

We will recognise all the support we receive across our external comms, and share your details, with your consent, if enquiries are made regarding our suppliers. 

If you would like to talk to us, please call Kate Scott on 07712 889 404.

Spread the word

As a charity, we will always speak up and use our voice to help drive change. If you’re as passionate about mental health as we are, you too can use your voice to help spread the word about who we are, what we’re doing and why. 

It’s priceless, so if you know someone you think should know about us, please tell them, or us!