Making a positive difference
As a charitable incorporated organisation (CIO), our Trustees have carefully considered and have the ongoing responsibility to ensure we operate in line with our governing document and further our purposes, or charitable objects as they are also known, for the public benefit.
‘Public benefit’ is at the heart of everything charities do. It’s all about the positive benefits their services and support offer to specific communities. For us, the definition is as follows…
The objects of the CIO are, for the public benefit, to relieve the needs of those affected by mental health issues in the agricultural industry in rural communities, primarily through:
(a) Providing training to businesses and other organisations who interact with agricultural workers in such rural communities to provide insight to better equip them to identify those who may require support with their mental health
(b) Educating and raising awareness of children and young adults in rural communities in schools, colleges and young farmers organisations on mental health importance and others associated topics
(c) Raising awareness of mental health issues in rural communities and signposting to appropriate help and support, with the ultimate goal to prevent suicide